My Story
I'm a small-town boy from Southeast Idaho. I've wanted to share my stories and wild imagination with the world for a long time and finally decided that now is better than never. I have loved reading fantasy books ever since I was little but there was always something missing, something that I wished that I could add to the story, to make it mine. Writing a book and putting yourself out there for the world to see is daunting to say the least, but the joy and sense of accomplishment you get from seeing your story out there, for all to read and enjoy, is a feeling like none other.
I hope that you will enjoy the worlds of my mind and take part in the adventures that have been hidden from the world but are now finally being revealed.
Want to try listening?
I had an idea a little bit ago to try something new... So, I made a YouTube channel! I am starting with reading book 1 and using AI to generate some fun images to help give the story a fun visual twist. Come check me out at
Playlist starts here: Listen
and listen to me read my story to you!
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Want exclusive access to secret projects that I am working on? How about the ability to read regularly released chapters of new/secret projects that I am working on way before they are released? Join my Patreon to help support my future projects for just $1 a month! You don't have to wait for new books to be released to get more story from me! Become part of my community and give me feedback on future, unreleased stories so that I can continue to release stories that you will love.

Next Event! (Lightning)

What is an Event Type?
See Events Above!
Event Types are events that are themed on two specific elements. At events, you are able to purchase high quality coins that represent the two elements that combine to make the event type. (Example, Light and Fire combine to make a Lightning Event!) There are six different elemental coins that you can collect for a very special (and secret (kinda)) reward that only those who have collected all 6 coins can qualify to receive!
Events also feature a FREE bookmark themed to a character that uses the specific event type combination Magick! Checkout Uthren Stormbringer, using Lightning Magick!

Collect all 6 coins!
Watch for an event featuring a coin you haven't collected yet!